Where to Next | Spirituality, Health & Wellness, Life Coaching
Welcome to Where to Next? A podcast for the driven woman who’s “been there, done that” and wants to be intentional about what’s next. Do you wonder why—on paper, your life is bomb—but you still feel meh? Maybe you want to wow yourself and finally, do the thing you’ve never done before? What if you could stop getting in your own way and see the patterns keeping you stuck? Do you love being proud of yourself, knowing you left nothing on the table? Hi, I’m Stacey V. Like you, I created a beautiful life and longed for more. Despite achievements and accolades, and having worked with experts and mentors, more remained elusive, and I kept searching with the hope something would magically click. Until one day, I stopped trying so hard. Pausing and listening to my intuition led me to what was next. And I’m here to share the same message with you. Each week, I’ll teach you how to get where you want to go next while focusing on what’s working and lighting you up. You’ll learn to connect and leverage your intuition, acknowledge doubt when it comes up, and have the skills and confidence to keep going. You’ll create your next steps with new mindset tools and crystalized wisdom, all while doing life YOUR way (and not someone else’s) and realizing it’s way easier than you ever thought. Because, my love, living life this way, your way, means the best is yet to come. Believe it. You were made for this. The best place to find me is directly in my inbox, hello@staceyv.com LinkedIn and Instagram work, too. And be sure to drop your email address for a weekly note with insights, wisdom, and recommendations—sign up below or hello@staceyv.com I can’t wait to connect with you. Thanks so much for being here. Website: www.staceyv.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/staceyvulakh LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/staceyvulakh

Saturday May 13, 2023
Saturday May 13, 2023
Are you tired of being trapped in endless thought loops that undermine your self-esteem? Whether it's ruminating over a perceived conversational misstep or fixating on the temptation of a single Hershey Kiss, these thought loops can seize control and dominate our thoughts throughout the day.
In this episode, our host Stacey opens up about a personal experience that occurred on the day of recording. She recounts her morning struggle and how she escaped the clutches of a persistent thought loop.
Stacey will share practical tips and techniques that have helped her successfully break free from thought loops. By implementing these strategies, you'll gain the tools needed to regain control over your mind and experience newfound peace and self-confidence. Tune into this episode and gain valuable insights from her journey and learn effective techniques to overcome similar challenges in your own life.
(1:04) Stacey shares what happened to her the morning she recorded this podcast.
(5:00) Today, we’re talking about all-or-nothing thinking. Hear what this is and why it happens.
(8:22) Hear another way thought loops show up.
(9:19) What’s going on when we’re stuck in a thought loop?
(11:24) The good news: You have a choice to stay in a thought loop or not!
(13:34) Here’s what Stacey did to get out of her thought loop this morning.
(16:04) With practice, Stacey has defeated thought loops. She shares how.
(19:07) Stacey shares one last tool to help you get out of thought loops.
“We can keep engaging in certain patterns or behaviors because it’s familiar. Imagine you’re hiking. Those synapses in your brain are just like hiking paths. They are well-worn paths. Forging a new hiking path takes a lot of back and forth for it to become dirt. Our brain’s pathways are just like hiking paths. The ones we practice are the ones we will continue to go to.”
“One of my favorite tools is to ask myself this: ‘Can I just ______?’ Can I just go for a walk around the block? Can I just focus on one part of my project for 10 minutes?”
“What’s a thought loop? It’s when your brain fixates on a thought and it just keeps looping and looping.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

Saturday May 06, 2023
Saturday May 06, 2023
We think when we buy a luxury item, it’s about the thing. Not really. In this episode, Stacey shares her experience of working at Louis Vuitton in New York City. She reveals her insightful realization about the reasons behind the exhilarating feeling of buying luxury goods, especially for oneself. Tune in to discover why the shopping experience can be so satisfying and the questions she always gets asked about her time working there: think discounts and celebrities. Oh yes—Stacey dishes about both.
(0:28) Today, we’re talking about the real value of buying luxury goods.
(1:28) Hear how Stacey got the job at Louis Vuitton in Manhattan.
(4:31) The way you feel in stores is all by design. Stacey explains why.
(7:52) Stacey shares a story about her favorite customer.
(9:02) Do you have a “thing” with buying luxury goods? Hear some examples from Stacey.
(11:12) Remember, these are just temporary, external cues.
(12:55) Before Stacey goes – she shares about the LV discount and the celebrity sightings!
“Everything we do in life is to create a feeling, experience a feeling, or avoid a feeling.”
“These external cues are just that. They are outside of us. And their impact is often temporary.”
“Everything we buy comes down to one thing… It is the feeling you are trying to create or avoid.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

Saturday Apr 29, 2023
Saturday Apr 29, 2023
How many hours, days, or even weeks do you spend pining over decisions? This is called living in indecision. In today’s podcast episode, host, Stacey, discusses what indecision is costing us in our lives. Not making a decision keeps us stuck, frustrated, and feeling confused and overwhelmed, whether we realize it or not. Tune into this week’s podcast episode to hear the steps to take when you’re faced with a big decision and how to get out of this cycle.
Fill out this survey and get a chocolate bar!
(0:17) Today, we’re talking about indecision! Hear a story about Stacey’s recent indecision.
(3:01) What is indecision costing us?
(4:43) Here’s another cost of avoiding decisions.
(5:21) What happens when you avoid being confused? Other issues arise.
(8:20) Have you filled out my survey yet? It’s the last week to!
(8:48) Stacey shares an example of how indecision was costly for her.
(9:53) There will be days you aren’t 100% clear. That’s okay!
(11:06) Hear what to do when facing indecision.
(13:30) This is Stacey’s favorite way to make a decision.
(13:50) Listen to these extra principles from Stacey before you finish this episode!
“Indecision is incredibly expensive.”
“Life is not always yes or no. There’s so much room in the middle.”
“‘I don’t know’ is NEVER an answer.”
“Indecision is a decision. By not making a decision, you are deciding.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

Saturday Apr 22, 2023
Saturday Apr 22, 2023
You know those inspirational quotes about “owning your unique self” and “embracing your magic”? Logically, we get it yet may find it hard to break out of the cycle of “being you” and making a change for themselves. That’s what Stacey chats about in this episode. Tune in to hear how you can start embracing your “youness” and why it’s easier than you think. Please remember to leave a review on your favorite platform while when you’re done listening.
Also, want to help Stacey out? Complete survey and get a chocolate bar!
Irene Lyon, Nervous System Expert | Instagram
(1:08) Today’s episode is about owning who you are without apology.
(2:29) So much of our perspective on being a woman is rooted in our society. Hear why.
(6:00) Stacey shares some truths about owning who you are.
(8:02) Here’s what to do if you want to move out of your comfort zone.
(11:32) We can’t do this work alone! Do you need a support system?
(12:49) When you’re making a change, try these tips from Stacey.
(14:35) Make sure you’re having fun making this change!
“You have a choice in how you show up.”
“If you want a different result, it requires you to be different.”
“You don’t get to this moment in your life without going through something.”
“Sometimes we need to slow down to go faster.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Saturday Apr 15, 2023
Happy birthday, Stacey! In this special podcast episode, Stacey chats about how she celebrates her birthdays. Spoiler: She plans her very own birthday celebrations. Of course, her family helps make the dream come to life, but she makes sure she gets to spend the day how she wants to. Hear why she started doing this, why celebrating is superfood for your brain, and how planning your own celebration can set a important example for your kids. Tune in, and please remember to leave a review or send this episode to a friend.
Fill out this survey and get a chocolate bar!
(1:30) Stacey loves birthdays. Hear why they’re so important to her.
(3:15) This love for birthdays ties back to childhood and Stacey’s mom. (4:58) Stacey started to plan her own birthday parties a few years ago. Learn why she does.
(7:37) Communicating her expectations also models self-directed behavior for her children.
(8:29) But, what about the fun birthday surprises? Here’s how they still show up.
(9:32) There’s a lot of science behind the benefits of celebrating. Hear why you want to celebrate more.
(13:14) So, what’s Stacey doing for her birthday this year? She has some rituals she does every year.
“By planning my birthday, it does away with the whole concept of expectations.”
“Not everybody in our lives gets to be as old as we are today.”
“We expect other people to read our minds, and most of the time, our expectations are not met because we don’t communicate what we want clearly.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Saturday Apr 08, 2023
Today’s episode of the Where to Next Podcast is a little different. In this episode, Stacey shares what has been lighting her up and nourishing her soul lately. You don’t have to do all of the things Stacey has been loving, but take a moment and think about what is feeling good to you lately. What are the little parts about your day that you love? Tune into this podcast episode to get some ideas for different ways to care for yourself, and hear why it’s so important to appreciate the little things in your life.
The Class by Taryn Toomey
Caraway Pans
The Archetypes Podcast by Meghan Markle
Fill out this survey and get a chocolate bar!
(0:44) Welcome back to the podcast! Let’s chat about four of Stacey’s favorite things right now.
(1:50) The first thing – Exercise classes! Specifically “The Class.”
(5:14) The second thing – Pilates!
(8:55) Have a few minutes? Fill out this survey. You’ll get a chocolate bar or a cup of coffee on Stacey!
(9:24) The third thing – Caraway pans—because meals don’t cook themselves
(13:26) The fourth thing – The Archetypes Podcast by Meghan Markle
(17:23) Bonus! Stacey has been loving going to Church again.
(20:45) How often do you listen to you? How often do you nourish your soul?
“When those things drop in, when they come to you, go with it. Those are the breadcrumbs in life that I want you to follow.”
“Sometimes when we go back to what we used to know, it can bring a different perspective.”
“What served us at one time … It’s possible that it could now.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

Saturday Apr 01, 2023
Saturday Apr 01, 2023
How often do you stop yourself from trying something new because you’re afraid or have doubts? More than ever, s many of us are afraid of being challenged by and being mediocre at new activities; so we don’t try and then we end up feeling depleted and disappointed in ourselves. In today’s episode of the Where to Next podcast, host, Stacey Vulakh, shares why getting comfortable with mediocrity is the secret to achieving your dreams. A lot of women struggle with the concept of starting something they may not be great at because they feel like it’s selfish. In reality, doing the hard things and the things that light us up, even for just five minutes per day, is what makes us shine. Tune into this episode to hear how.
Fill out this survey and get a chocolate bar!
(0:46) Hear what’s going on in Stacey’s personal life that inspired this episode.
(3:11) Stacey was also inspired by a quote from Cathy Heller. Hear the quote!
(4:57) We’ve forgotten what it’s like to be a beginner. Stacey explains why it’s okay to be mediocre.
(6:08) Do you keep yourself from starting something new because you’re trying to avoid feeling uncomfortable?
(9:22) You have a choice to get over this fear. Stacey explains how.
(12:14) What are the benefits of learning to be immaculately mediocre? Hear them!
(15:29) Pardon the interruption! Do you love chocolate? Stacey is giving away chocolate! Hear how to get one here!
(15:45) The little things add up. Start by doing something new for five minutes a day.
(16:43) Hear two reasons starting something new can save you time.
(18:19) Stacey shares a roadblock she often hears from women.
“I bet the reason why you think this is hard and boring is because it’s new.”
“Having the stamina to tolerate your mediocrity is the key to your brilliance. Having the courage to tolerate your mediocrity is what will allow you to find the magical things you’re going to do.” -Cathy Heller
“When we don’t take chances, we’re not pushing ourselves to our edges.”
“We spend so much time resisting what we want to do [and that’s why] we’re so flipping exhausted.”
“This is about creating because you want to. Because you exist. Because you can.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Saturday Mar 25, 2023
Breakups aren’t only for relationships. We can break up with anything, including our habits. We all have habits or behaviors we could stand to take a look at and possibly separate from. Think: those behaviors that hold us back and keep us from growing. In this podcast episode, host, Stacey Vulakh, shares her breakup list and gives listeners some ideas on what they can breakup with. Because breakups can be fun (yes!), she shares a different way of separating from these behaviors to make it more effective. Tune into this episode if you have some habits you need to give the boot!
Episode 12: How Not to Talk to Yourself
(0:26) Stacey shares a story from a recent event.
(2:19) Does having a “to-do list” feel heavy and never-ending to you?
(3:44) Here’s a list of things Stacey has broken up with.
(6:38) Do you tell yourself things don’t matter? Hear why this may be a destructive behavior.
(10:12) Stacey broke up with “I am” statements. She explains why.
(11:55) Make breaking up with these things fun and write a “Dear John” letter!
(13:15) Stacey explains why you want to make a breakup list.
(16:16) Here’s possible upsides of breaking up with these habits.
“Breaking up with things can be just as freeing as adding things.”
“We’re always learning.”
“We have taken so much in our lives”
“If you can gently break up and put some distance, separate that part of you gently, it will fall by the wayside and melt into the background.”
“We've taken on so much in our lives, we don't even realize the impact that certain habits and behaviors have.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

Saturday Mar 18, 2023
Saturday Mar 18, 2023
What are the best decisions you’ve ever made in your life? Have you taken the time to think about them? In this podcast episode, Stacey shares the best decisions she has ever made and how they impacted her life. And she wants you to do the same. Have fun with this one, some of your decisions may surprise you!
(0:43) Today, we’re talking about decisions, in particular, the great ones.
(1:40) We make decisions from the moment we wake up.
(2:28) Why do we want to know our best decisions?
(4:33) Here are the best decisions Stacey has ever made.
(8:28) Stacey shares about one other big decision that has to do with her husband.
(10:05) Hear this seemingly insignificant decision and how it changed her life.
(11:36) In 2021, Stacey stopped offering private coaching. Here’s why she decided this..
(14:46) Why are lower-stake decisions and higher-stake decisions the same?
(17:55) Here’s why you should jot down the best decisions you have made.
“Reflecting on the best decisions you’ve ever made are kind of like a footnote to present you and future you.”
“What people say about your decisions has nothing to do with you, it has everything to do with them.”
“They’re all just decisions. It’s the value we assign to them that makes them mean something.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website

Saturday Mar 11, 2023
Saturday Mar 11, 2023
On today’s episode of Where to Next, host, Stacey Vulakh, chats about the concept of “future self.” This is very different than setting goals. It’s the process of becoming who you want to be—every day. Tune into this podcast episode to hear how to create and become the person you have always wanted to be with some helpful questions to ask yourself on the road to becoming.
(0:40) Let’s talk about the concept of “future self.”
(1:49) Who is “future you”? What is different?
(4:20) How is “future self” different than setting goals?
(7:12) Here is a question you can ask your future self so you can start to become her.
(8:26) What is standing between you today and future you?
(10:20) A big part of creating “future self” is change. But not the type of change you may think.
(12:05) Hear Stacey’s suggestions for becoming your future self.
(14:18) Make sure to send this podcast to your friend!
“Every single person on this planet has demands on their time.”
“You are making progress. It is never about doing everything perfectly.”
“Your future is happening whether you think it is or not.”
“Focus on the being over doing.”
“Future self work is loving and gentle.”
“I want to be proud of who I am being because I know the proud version of me takes different actions than insecure and scared me.”
Email Stacey | Instagram | LinkedIn | Website